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How to Spell AI

There are a few transformative eventsthat come along in life- the internet, mobile phones, and automobiles. AI is one of those big technology shifts that everyone needs to understand and embrace. I’m sure when the automobile was first introduced, some people were apprehensive about the change it would make and how it might affect jobs and life. But it was embraced, personal and professional productivity was increased, and the benefits far outweighed the negative thoughts. This is a must-read book to quickly educate anyone on what AI is all about and how to use it for personal and professional gain. How to talk intelligently about it. How not to feel threatened by it. How to use it to make your job and life easier. Work smarter, not harder, with AI. Become a more valuable employee. Leverage it in your life to be more productive.
This book clearly and engagingly explainsthe world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and demonstrates how it can positively impact your life, business, and future. We focus on generative AI, the technology behind ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini, Anthropic Claude, and other newly introduced solutions.

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